Semiotics Preliminary Exercise 2

 Sign was separated into two parts, according to Ferdinand de Saussure: Signifier and Signified. Saussure was also a semiologist, believing that everything might be interpreted as a sign. The signifier, according to Saussure, is a variety of factors that give phrases or objects meaning in a medium. The signified is what one interprets the image to mean. Saussure developed his semiotics theory by dividing signs in the media into increasingly complicated meanings. Two contenders for the annual Hunger Games are chosen from District 12 in this scene from the Hunger Games. After her younger sister Prim is chosen as the female tribute and Peeta is chosen as the male tribute, Katniss volunteers to be a tribute. Signs abound, as evidenced by the outfits on display. The films are dark and similar. Everyone is dressed in the same old clothes and is wearing the same shade of blue, which recalls the color of despair.


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