welcome to my Aice media studies blog

media studies is the study of social content based upon media events or effects of the media that can include videography, photography, and social media etc. i hope to get a complete understanding of the topic to the point where i can explain to others and i hope to reiceve a positive outcome with the information i learn so that i can use it to help me in other situations. The importance of media studies is to capture certain moments to help analyze and discuss about media content. my favorite media products are clothing from advertisements on a movie or show. i consume a lot of social media, i access my media throughout my cellular device. it is important to understand who, why, how, or when media is used to engage audience because each movie/show/post etc. is targeted to a certain group weather that group is age, sex, or race. something i find interesting about media studies is the amount of detail you start to see once you take the course. i hope to accomplish reading the tones and practicing engaging media audience. i can use my social skills, positive consistency, use of technology, and determination skills to use on my blogging journey, i can use these skills to help me complete my compnent one skills by keeping up with my work and showing im determinded. 


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