Genre Research Case Study #4


Camerawork and definition

Document and example Image

Indicate the camerawork technique for each camera element and how it is creating meaning.

Shot size- how much of the setting or subject is displayed within a given frame of a video, photo, or animation

The shot size is wide to show everyone at the funeral looking down at the casket

Camera angle- The camera angle marks the specific location at which the movie camera or video camera is placed to take a shot.

The camera is angled is aimed down from the flame keeping it in frame to show how hesitant everyone is 

Camera movement- the way a camera shifts to visually narrate and shape a viewer's perspective of a scene

The camera moved from this frame around the room to the dollhouse and closes in on a room to start the opening scene

Camera framing- the placement and position of the subjects in your shots

The camera has framed Annie’s face to show how terrified she is in her scream


Lighting (See mise en scene.)


  1. Define editing in filmmaking. Select an example of editing in the film opening.

  2. Define continuity and discontinuity in editing.

  3. Document 2 editing techniques used in the film opening and how do they create continuity or discontinuity in the scene. 

Editing Techniques and definition


Meaning established by using continuity or discontinuity in editing.

Cut- a sharp transition from one scene to another

Going from the scene in the room to the funeral in one cut

Establishes that something has happened using discontinuity

Contunity- A long ongoing stream of a scene that can draw suspense or build up action

The opening of the movie that goes from the tree to the dollhouse, to the room, to the outside of the house

Starts the movie off in the opening setting using continuity 

Sounds-Document the types of sound. Dialogue, sound effects, and music.

Sound Techniques and definitions

Document sound

Meaning established by sounds to support the genre.

Dialogue- conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.

List 2 lines that connect audiences to the genre of the film.

Annie reads the note from her mom that says,”Our sacrifices will pale next to the rewards. Love Mommy” 

When annie asks her husband “should i be sadder”

These support the genre by adding a scary effect and building it up. When the note is read it adds a second layer by having the viewer ask “what does she mean by that?” 

Sound effects- effects that are imitative of sounds called for in the script of a dramatic production

List 2 sound effects that connect audiences to the genre of the film.

The sound when Annie cuts her head off with the piano wire.

The sound you hear during Charlie’s head hitting the pole.

Meaning established by sounds to support the genre.

These are gruesome sounds that really sit in your stomach as a scary movie should do.


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